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Unlike a traditional classroom, an online student won’t get lost in the back row in the online environment. At University College, every course is designed to integrate active and varied teaching strategies. From interactive quizzing to dynamic video discussions, technology has made leaps and bounds since launching our first fully online program in 1996.

“We never employ a tool for the sake of using technology,” said Allison Friederichs, associate dean for academic affairs at University College. “Instead, we strategically choose user-friendly technology to meet the learning objectives of the course.”

As an example, interactive quizzing lets students engage with video content and then take built-in quizzes that are seamlessly embedded in the video. This was successfully used in a Children’s Literature course as a way to increase active viewing, enable measurement, and offer an additional method to assess learning outcomes. We also have a dedicated H5P account, which allows us to build dozens of interactive tools—such as drag-and-drop tasks, flashcards, timelines, and more—into our courses.

“I have also used the technology to add further content to infographics by adding hot spot pop out boxes that students click on to access additional information (text and video). I think this makes it more engaging to be able to click on elements and get further information,” adds Beth Fischer, adjunct instructor in the Healthcare Management program. “It is especially helpful to amplify meanings of charts, graphs or infographics which have limited text and more narrative is required to understand the content.”

These tools are designed to enhance learning and ensure each student has a front row seat to their own education, empowering them to make a difference. As technology evolves, so will the demands of the 21st century workplace, and these tools help students stay technologically savvy as professionals.

“Students feel liberated to take control over their education within the framework of other demands,” explains Maria Creavin, adjunct instructor in the Healthcare Management program. “Adding new tools within a course gives students resources that they can use in their work life.”