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TRAN 4440 (4 credits)

Marketing, Sales, Procurement & Customer Management Strategies

Within the context of Transportation and Supply Chain, this course will explore the strategies related to the Sales and Marketing process and strategies from the seller perspective and the related perspective of Procurement from the buyer perspective. Additionally, the strategies and measures used for Customer Management will be explored including customer setup, advancing customer excellence practices, customer valuation and segmentation, and other related concepts. Further, the concepts of establishing, building, and maintaining trust will be explored as a key strategy and practice, which appears throughout each of the four main components of the course.

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Continuing Students

Admitted New Students
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International Students
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Sections: Spring Quarter 2024

CRN 5276
Nirvelli, Rachelle A. (Shelly)

Tuition Rate

Per Credit:

Additional Fees
Technology Fee: $4/credit hour for each class taken for credit


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Make sure you have the correct textbooks and/or materials.
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Please check Canvas one week before class begins for any pre-class assignments.