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TRAN 4490 (4 credits)

Global Trade & Economics

This course will examine the World Trade F15 Organization and the regional trade agreements, such as NAFTA, EU, and ASEAN, with regard to their impact on North American transportation, trade, and economy overall including their relationship to account deficits and their N20; and their impact on disputes and how trade disputes are settled. In addition, the course will address the global economy and economics and its drivers, comparing and contrasting North America, China/Asia, the European Union and selected emerging economies to include impacts on global trade, such as trading patterns, outsourcing, and changing production areas.

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Continuing Students

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International Students
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Sections: Summer Quarter 2024

CRN 1940
Mazare, Ioana R.

Tuition Rate

Per Credit:

Additional Fees
Technology Fee: $4/credit hour for each class taken for credit


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