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More resources you may be looking for:

BACP 2050 (4 credits)

Writing Workshop

The Writing Workshop focuses on developing essential writing skills that boost confidence and improve performance in university coursework and the workplace. This course is designed to enhance students’ research and writing abilities, providing them with the tools and knowledge to effectively communicate ideas in a variety of contexts. Through a combination of practical exercises, collaborative work, and critical analysis, students will develop proficiency in writing clearly. They will learn to employ conventions of structure, style, voice, grammar, and mechanics to produce writing tailored for specific purposes and audiences. Additionally, they will learn how to apply a style guide successfully.

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Continuing Students

Admitted New Students
Call (303) 871-2291 or fill out the Admitted New Student Registration.

International Students
Check additional registration requirements

Tuition Rate

Per Credit:


Additional Fees
Technology Fee: $4/credit hour for each class taken for credit


Be Ready

Make sure you have the correct textbooks and/or materials.
Join the Classroom

Please check Canvas one week before class begins for any pre-class assignments.