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GIS 4510 (4 credits)

GIS in Business

Businesses continue to embrace GIS as an effective alternative to traditional manual mapping analysis methods. GIS has emerged as an affordable solution for performing essential revenue producing and expense reducing functions. Many years ago, successful GIS implementation required huge capital investment and a large staff of GIS experts; however, with the introduction of more powerful inexpensive computers and easier to use software, companies of all sizes are unleashing the business potential of GIS on the marketplace. This course exposes students to various business applications and uses of GIS as well as the underlying theories and technology behind the applications. This course emphasizes various business disciplines including Marketing, Real Estate, Transportation, and Oil & Gas using GIS in practical, hands-on exercises that demonstrate the theories and concepts discussed in the lectures. Prerequisite: GIS 4101 or similar GIS course and/or work experience.

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Continuing Students

Admitted New Students
Call (303) 871-2291 or fill out the Admitted New Student Registration.

International Students
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Tuition Rate

Per Credit:


Additional Fees
Technology Fee: $4/credit hour for each class taken for credit
GIS Lab Fee: $50/class (online and on campus)


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Please check Canvas one week before class begins for any pre-class assignments.