UAS Ground School Practical
The purpose of this course is to provide skills and abilities to become a remote pilot in command (RPIC) within the United States. The class content will focus on 14 CFR 107, the rules and regulations that allow RPICs to operate Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) safely and legally. In addition, students will be given hands-on training in the best practices for flying UASs. Course Overview/Purpose: The release of 14 CRF 107 by the FAA has set a legal framework for commercial UAS operations in the United States. The purpose of this course is to help students become well versed in 107 and gain hands-on experience operating UASs. Students will become proficient with UAS aeronautical operation standards, discover the rules and regulations of airspace that all RPICs must comply with, and evaluate the effects that weather has on UASs as well as sources of weather information. Students will also assess the performance abilities and limitations of UASs and explore standard UAS operations as outlined in the 107 regulations. Prerequisite: GIS 4101 or similar GIS course and/or work experience.
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