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HC 4520 (4 credits)

Global Health NGO Management

Students will examine factors that impact organizational performance in the global nonprofit health sector. Students expore current challenges associated with Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) that operate in low-income and middle-income countries. Examples include Doctors Without Borders, Shoulder to Shoulder, and others. Students are empowered to research and compare different NGOs and analyze factors that impact organizational effectiveness. Key challenges facing NGO leaders are analyzed and students provide recommendations to improve organizational performance. Course topics include assessment of NGO strategies, organizational resources and financing, and stakeholder relations. Other topics include analysis of countries' demographics, culture, healthcare delivery, policies, and external environment. It is recommended that students in the Global Health Program Management concentration or certificate complete HC4500 and HC4510 prior to registering for this course. Students in other concentrations or programs may take this course at any time as an elective.

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Tuition Rate

Per Credit:


Additional Fees
Technology Fee: $4/credit hour for each class taken for credit


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