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More resources you may be looking for:

NFP 4210 (4 credits)

Leading Policy and Advocacy

Nonprofit/nongovernmental organizations play an important role in the development and implementation of public policy and influence corporations and other private organizations. Advocacy encompasses a wide range of activities that influence decision makers who craft policies and laws that may impact nonprofit/nongovernmental organizations, communities, constituents, and stakeholders. Students will differentiate advocacy and lobbying, examine federal, state and local legislative structures, craft advocacy messages and design campaigns to develop advocacy strategy. Students will also assess the resources needed for an advocacy campaign and its impact.

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Continuing Students

Admitted New Students
Call (303) 871-2291 or fill out the Admitted New Student Registration.

International Students
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Tuition Rate

Per Credit:


Additional Fees
Technology Fee: $4/credit hour for each class taken for credit


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Make sure you have the correct textbooks and/or materials.
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Please check Canvas one week before class begins for any pre-class assignments.