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TRAN 4820 (4 credits)

Principles of Supply Chain Management

This course will provide an overview of the basic principles of supply chain management, as well as current trends in supply chain technology and global value chains. Students will learn the six core pillars of supply chain processes and how suppliers, customers and other stakeholders are linked in these processes. The course will examine the role that transportation and logistics play in the supply chain. Students will learn the key operating and financial measures of supply chain management, apply the problem solving framework known as DMAIC (Define, Measure, Assess, Innovate, Control) to a real-world supply chain problem.

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Continuing Students

Admitted New Students
Call (303) 871-2291 or fill out the Admitted New Student Registration.

International Students
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Tuition Rate

Per Credit:


Additional Fees
Technology Fee: $4/credit hour for each class taken for credit


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Please check Canvas one week before class begins for any pre-class assignments.