Market Research for Writers
All writers of every medium considering a professional career path must not only learn their craft but learn to navigate the publishing and production worlds. This course discusses the relationships between agents, editors of books, journals and magazines, literary managers, artistic directors, publishing houses (both big and boutique), and booksellers, as well as production companies. Additionally, students determine ways to cultivate relationships with those industry professionals and find opportunities (such as contests and fellowships) with the goal of submission and acquisition. This course also covers the research required for target-rich submission campaigns, the process of manuscript submission and acquisition, as well as learning copyright and contractual basics. Students will learn how to generate marketing materials that aid in the submission process, across all mediums, and how to develop an author platform, using branding and social media opportunities, that cultivates a professional, public persona critical to connecting with their audience. Ultimately, students consider how to build a writing community that will provide the foundation for support, education, and networking, which is vital for success. Required Prerequisites: PWRI 4500, 4510, and 4520. Note that this course must be completed before enrolling in either the PWRI Portfolio Capstone or Creative Capstone Project.
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Sections: Autumn Quarter 2024
Sections: Autumn Quarter 2024
Sections: Spring Quarter 2024
Sections: Spring Quarter 2024
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