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Wayne Mayer

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Wayne E. Mayer, CEO of When Everything Matters (WEMCo), empowers people to see the big picture among disparate elements. His proactive, whole-systems approach to business mitigates risks, engages stakeholders, and improves efficiencies, revenues, and profits. Wayne’s regional expertise encompasses Latin America; for years he resided in Venezuela and, later, Peru.


Wayne earned his Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Science at the University of Denver, his Master of Science in Forest Ecology & Conservation at the University of Washington, and his Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Policy at Duke University. He also earned graduate certificates in International Development Policy and in Latin American and Caribbean Studies from Duke.

Professional Background

Wayne is a strategic sustainability consultant with technical and leadership skills gained during 20+ years as a change agent focused on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. He empowers organizations to integrate environmental and social value into core business and turn business models into sustainable-development partnerships. He helps companies set science-based goals and leverage data and technology to measure, monitor, and communicate ESG risks, impacts, and opportunities. Wayne holds affiliate faculty positions at Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment and, as a Senior Fellow, at the Duke Center for International Development. He also teaches for Duke Corporate Education’s ESG Academy.

Motivation for Teaching

Wayne’s international experience motivates him to share the excitement of thinking in different ways. He enjoys sharing ideas and calls teaching and learning “fun with a purpose.”

Helping Students Be Successful

Wayne recognizes that solving complex problems requires cross-functional, interdisciplinary thinking. He helps students unlock their imaginations, identify interconnections, and think in proactive and novel ways.