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Jason Wyrick

Contact Info


Jason Wyrick has spent the last 25 years in higher education as an administrator and professor. Recently he moved into the action sports world as a communicator and brand ambassador.


Jason earned his Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Benedictine College and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from the University of Denver.

Professional Background

In both his previous and current career worlds, Jason writes on a daily basis and is tasked with persuading a multitude of audiences. He has taken the foundation he learned in journalism and has applied and updated that background according to the end reader. In his most recent role, Jason delivers brand marketing to thousands of customers.

Helping Students be Successful

From the day he began teaching as a graduate assistant at 22, Jason has been inspired by the process. He believes that no matter what career path a student is on, being the best writer they can be will always serve them positively. Because of this, he takes the time to ensure each student understands both the why and how of academic writing.