Do you have previous college credit, but have yet to finish your bachelor’s degree? Get a fresh academic start and finish the undergraduate degree you started years ago through the Bachelor’s of Arts Completion Program at University College. Is this...
As the world continues to evolve quickly and education becomes more accessible with anytime, anywhere online course offerings, more adults than ever are considering heading back to school. Whether earning a degree to move into management, or pursuing a graduate...
By Megan Pritchett, Career Advisor If you’re considering a new career path, here are five important things to do along the way. Do Your Research. The importance of doing your research in a career switch can’t be emphasized enough. Research your new industry...
More and more adults are headed back to school as online and evening classes have made learning more accessible. Going back to school is a major commitment and can be challenging, but with the proper support and planning, you can achieve your goals. Here are four tips...